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ActivityLoginBinding - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding
ActivityMainBinding - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding
AnalyzedInstructionDto - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto
This class is a DTO object for storing data from the Spoonacular api.
AnalyzedInstructionDto() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.AnalyzedInstructionDto
APPLICATION_ID - Static variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.BuildConfig


BASE_URL - Static variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.BuildConfig
bind(View) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ActivityLoginBinding
bind(View) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ActivityMainBinding
bind(View) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCameraBinding
bind(View) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding
bind(View) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentIngredientBinding
bind(View) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentRecipesBinding
bind(View) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentSavedBinding
bind(View) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentSettingsBinding
bind(View) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ItemRecipeBinding
bind(View) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ItemStepsBinding
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
BUILD_TYPE - Static variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.BuildConfig
BuildConfig - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff
BuildConfig() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.BuildConfig
Builder(CurrentRecipeFragmentArgs) - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder(RecipesFragmentArgs) - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class


CameraFragment - Class in
This class is unimplemented.
CameraFragment() - Constructor for class
CLIENT_ID - Static variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.BuildConfig
completeSignIn(Intent) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.GoogleSignInService
This method completes the sign in of a google account.
container - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ActivityMainBinding
CurrentRecipeAdapter - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.adapter
This class is currently unimplemented.
CurrentRecipeAdapter(Context, List<AnalyzedInstructionDto>) - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.adapter.CurrentRecipeAdapter
This is the constructor for the CurrentRecipeAdapter.
CurrentRecipeFragment - Class in
This class holds the logic for the CurrentRecipe fragment.
CurrentRecipeFragment() - Constructor for class
CurrentRecipeFragmentArgs - Class in
CurrentRecipeFragmentArgs.Builder - Class in


DEBUG - Static variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.BuildConfig
delete(Ingredient) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.IngredientDao
This method is used to delete an ingredient from the SmartCeff database.
delete(Ingredient...) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.IngredientDao
This method is used to delete more the one ingredient from the SmartCeff database.
delete(Collection<Ingredient>) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.IngredientDao
This method is used to delete a collection of ingredients from the SmartCeff database.
delete(Recipe) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeDao
This method is used to delete a recipes from the SmartCeff database.
delete(Recipe...) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeDao
This method is used to delete more the one recipes from the SmartCeff database.
delete(Collection<Recipe>) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeDao
This method is used to delete a collection of recipes from the SmartCeff database.
delete(RecipeIngredient) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeIngredientDao
delete(RecipeIngredient...) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeIngredientDao
delete(Collection<RecipeIngredient>) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeIngredientDao
delete(User) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.UserDao
This method is used to delete an user from the SmartCeff database.
delete(User...) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.UserDao
This method is used to delete more the one user from the SmartCeff database.
delete(Collection<User>) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.UserDao
This method is used to delete a collection of users from the SmartCeff database.
delete(Ingredient) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.IngredientRepository
This is the method to delete a ingredient from the SmartCheff database.
delete(Recipe) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.RecipeRepository
This is the method used to delete a recipe from the SmartCheff database.
delete(User) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.UserRepository
This is the method used to delete a user from the SmartCheff database.


edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff - package edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff
edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.adapter - package edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.adapter
edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller - package edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller - package
edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput - package edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput - package
edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.saved - package edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.saved
edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding - package edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding
edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao - package edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao
edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto - package edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto
edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity - package edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity
edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service - package edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput.IngredientFragmentDirections.SearchRecipes
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
ExtendedIngredientDto - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto
This class is a DTO object for storing data from the Spoonacular api.
ExtendedIngredientDto() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.ExtendedIngredientDto


findById(long) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeDao
This method is a query to the Smatcheff database.
findById(Recipe) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.RecipeRepository
This method finds a recipe by id.
findByName(String) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeDao
This method is a query to the Smatcheff database.
findByName(Recipe) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.RecipeRepository
This is the method used to find a recipe by name.
findCurrentUser(long) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.UserDao
This method is a query to the Smatcheff database.
findCurrentUser(User) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.UserRepository
This method is user to find the current user.
findRecipeUsingIngredient(long) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeDao
This method is a query to the Smatcheff database.
findRecipeUsingIngredient(Recipe) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.RecipeRepository
This method is used to find a recipe the uses specific ingredients.
FragmentCameraBinding - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding
FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding
FragmentIngredientBinding - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding
FragmentRecipesBinding - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding
FragmentSavedBinding - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding
FragmentSettingsBinding - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding
fromBundle(Bundle) - Static method in class
fromBundle(Bundle) - Static method in class


get(long, String) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.SpoonacularServiceProxy
This method gets the details of a single recipe using the id.
getAccount() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.GoogleSignInService
This is the getter for the account.
getActionId() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput.IngredientFragmentDirections.SearchRecipes
getActionId() - Method in class
getAll() - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.IngredientDao
This method is a query to the Smatcheff database.
getAll() - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeDao
This method is a query to the Smatcheff database.
getAll() - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.UserDao
This method is a query to the Smatcheff database.
getAll() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.IngredientRepository
This is the method to get all the ingredients in the SmartCheff database.
getAll() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.RecipeRepository
This method is used to get all the recipes in the SmartCheff database.
getAll(User) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.UserRepository
This method is user to get all the users in the SmartCheff database.
getAmount() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.ExtendedIngredientDto
Gets the amount.
getAnalyzedInstructions() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Gets the list of AnalyzedInstructionDto.
getArguments() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput.IngredientFragmentDirections.SearchRecipes
getArguments() - Method in class
getDetails(long) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.MainViewModel
This method is user to get the recipe details.
getDetails() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.ExtendedIngredientDto
Gets the details.
getExtendedIngredients() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Gets the list of Extended Ingredient Dto.
getExternalId() - Method in class
getExternalId() - Method in class
getExternalId() - Method in class
getExternalKey() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Gets the external key.
getId() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.ExtendedIngredientDto
Gets the id.
getId() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Gets the id.
getId() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Ingredient
Gets the ingredient id.
getId() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Gets the recipe id.
getId() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.RecipeIngredient
Gets the id of the RecipeIngredient table.
getId() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.User
Gets the user id.
getImage() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Gets the recipe image.
getImage() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Gets the image.
getIngredientDao() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.SmartCheffDatabase
This is the getter for IngredientDao
getIngredientId() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.RecipeIngredient
Gets the id for an ingredient.
getIngredients() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Gets the mapped list of Extended Ingredients.
getIngredients() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.StepDto
Gets the list of ExtendedIngredients.
getIngredientsList() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput.IngredientFragmentDirections.SearchRecipes
getIngredientsList() - Method in class
getIngredientsList() - Method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.GoogleSignInService
This is the getter for the google sign service instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.SmartCheffDatabase
This is the getter for instance.
getInstance() - Static method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.SpoonacularServiceProxy
This is the getter fot the SpoonacularServiceProxy instance.
getInstructions() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Gets the instructions.
getInstructions() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Gets the instructions.
getName() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.AnalyzedInstructionDto
Gets the name of the recipe that the instructions corresponds to.
getName() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.ExtendedIngredientDto
Gets the name.
getName() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Ingredient
Gets the name.
getName() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Gets the name.
getOauthKey() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.User
Gets the users' oauth key.
getOrder() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.StepDto
Gets the order.
getPrepTime() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Gets the prep time.
getPrepTime() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Gets the prep time.
getQuantityAvailable() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Ingredient
Gets the quantity available.
getRecipeDao() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.SmartCheffDatabase
This is the getter for RecipeDao
getRecipeId() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.RecipeIngredient
Gets the recipe id.
getRecipeIngredientDao() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.SmartCheffDatabase
This is the getter for RecipeIngredientDao
getRoot() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ActivityLoginBinding
getRoot() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ActivityMainBinding
getRoot() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCameraBinding
getRoot() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding
getRoot() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentIngredientBinding
getRoot() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentRecipesBinding
getRoot() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentSavedBinding
getRoot() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentSettingsBinding
getRoot() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ItemRecipeBinding
getRoot() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ItemStepsBinding
getSearchDetail() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.MainViewModel
getSearchResults() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.MainViewModel
This is the getter for the live data list of RecipeDto
getServingQuantity() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Gets the serving quantity.
getServings() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Gets the servings.
getSkillLevel() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Gets the skill level.
getSourceUrl() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Gets the source url.
getSteps() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.AnalyzedInstructionDto
Gets the list of steps.
getSummary() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Gets the summary.
getText() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.StepDto
Gets the text.
getThrowable() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.MainViewModel
This is the getter for the live data Throwable
getTitle() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Gets the title.
getUnit() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.ExtendedIngredientDto
Gets the unit.
getUpc() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Ingredient
Gets the upc.
getUserDao() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.SmartCheffDatabase
This is the getter for UserDao
getUserid() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Ingredient
Gets the user id.
getUserid() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Gets the user id.
getView(int, View, ViewGroup) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.adapter.CurrentRecipeAdapter
getView(int, View, ViewGroup) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.adapter.RecipeAdapter
GoogleSignInService - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service
This class holds all the logic for the google sign in function.


hashCode() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput.IngredientFragmentDirections.SearchRecipes
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
horizontalGuideline - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentIngredientBinding


image - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding
image - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ItemRecipeBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ActivityLoginBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, boolean) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ActivityLoginBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ActivityMainBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, boolean) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ActivityMainBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCameraBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, boolean) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCameraBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, boolean) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentIngredientBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, boolean) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentIngredientBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentRecipesBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, boolean) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentRecipesBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentSavedBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, boolean) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentSavedBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentSettingsBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, boolean) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentSettingsBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ItemRecipeBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, boolean) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ItemRecipeBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ItemStepsBinding
inflate(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, boolean) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ItemStepsBinding
Ingredient - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity
This is an @Entity class that makes a table in the SmartCheff data base.
Ingredient() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Ingredient
IngredientDao - Interface in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao
This is an interface that handles all the queries involving ingredients.
IngredientFragment - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput
This class holds the logic for the ingredient fragment.
IngredientFragment() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput.IngredientFragment
IngredientFragmentDirections - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput
IngredientFragmentDirections.SearchRecipes - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput
ingredientList - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentIngredientBinding
IngredientRepository - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service
This class is the logic behind the queries to the SmartCheff data base.
IngredientRepository(Context) - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.IngredientRepository
This is the constructor for the IngredientRepository.
ingredients - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding
inputIngredientInstructions - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentIngredientBinding
insert(Ingredient) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.IngredientDao
This method is used to insert one ingredient into the SmartCheff data base.
insert(Ingredient...) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.IngredientDao
This method is used to insert more then one ingredient into the SmartCheff database.
insert(Collection<Ingredient>) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.IngredientDao
This method is used insert a collection ingredient into the SmartCheff database.
insert(Recipe) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeDao
This method is used to insert one recipe into the SmartCheff data base.
insert(Recipe...) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeDao
This method is used to insert more then one recipe into the SmartCheff database.
insert(Collection<Recipe>) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeDao
This method is used insert a collection recipes into the SmartCheff database.
insert(RecipeIngredient) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeIngredientDao
insert(RecipeIngredient...) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeIngredientDao
insert(Collection<RecipeIngredient>) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeIngredientDao
insert(User) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.UserDao
This method is used to insert one user into the SmartCheff data base.
insert(User...) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.UserDao
This method is used to insert more then one user into the SmartCheff database.
insert(Collection<User>) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.UserDao
This method is used insert a collection user into the SmartCheff database.
InstanceHolder() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.SpoonacularServiceProxy.InstanceHolder
instructions - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding
ItemRecipeBinding - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding
ItemStepsBinding - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding


LoginActivity - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller
This class is the login activity and handles the login of a user.
LoginActivity() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.LoginActivity


MainActivity - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller
This class is the main activity and handles the loading of all the fragments.
MainActivity() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.MainActivity
MainViewModel - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller
This class is the is the Main view model for all the fragments.
MainViewModel(Application) - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.MainViewModel
This is the constructor for the Main View Model.


name - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ItemRecipeBinding
navView - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ActivityMainBinding


onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.LoginActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.LoginActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.MainActivity
onCreate() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.SmartCheffApplication
onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.MainActivity
onCreatePreferences(Bundle, String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.SettingsFragment
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput.IngredientFragment
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.MainActivity
onSupportNavigateUp() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.MainActivity
onViewCreated(View, Bundle) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput.IngredientFragment
onViewCreated(View, Bundle) - Method in class
onViewCreated(View, Bundle) - Method in class


prepTime - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding
prepTimeLabel - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding


Recipe - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity
This is an @Entity class that makes a table in the SmartCheff data base.
Recipe() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
RecipeAdapter - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.adapter
This class is the adapter for the list view in the recipe fragment.
RecipeAdapter(Context, List<RecipeDto>) - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.adapter.RecipeAdapter
This is the constructor for the RecipeAdapter.
recipeButton - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentIngredientBinding
RecipeDao - Interface in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao
This is an interface that handles all the queries involving recipes.
RecipeDto - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto
This class is a DTO object for storing data from the Spoonacular api.
RecipeDto() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
RecipeIngredient - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity
This class is a joining table in the SmartCheff data base between ingredient and recipe.
RecipeIngredient() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.RecipeIngredient
RecipeIngredientDao - Interface in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao
This is a joining table in the SmartCheff database between ingredient and recipe.
recipeList - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentRecipesBinding
RecipeRepository - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service
This class holds the logic for the queries to the SmartCheff database involving a recipe.
RecipeRepository(Context) - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.RecipeRepository
This is the constructor for the RecipeRepository.
RecipesFragment - Class in
This class holds the logic for the ingredient fragment.
RecipesFragment() - Constructor for class
RecipesFragmentArgs - Class in
RecipesFragmentArgs.Builder - Class in
RecipesFragmentDirections - Class in
RecipesFragmentDirections.ShowDetails - Class in
refresh() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.GoogleSignInService
This method refreshes the google sign in.
retrieve(long) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.RecipeRepository
This method makes a request to the api service using the recipes id to get all the details of the recipe.


save(Ingredient) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.IngredientRepository
This is the method to save an ingredient to the SmartCheff database
save(Recipe) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.RecipeRepository
This is the method used to save a recipe to the SmartCheff database.
save(User) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.UserRepository
This is the method used to save a user to the SmartCheff database.
SavedFragment - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.saved
This fragment is unimplemented.
SavedFragment() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.saved.SavedFragment
search(String[]) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.MainViewModel
This method searches Spoonaculer using the string array of ingredients.
search(Collection<String>) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.RecipeRepository
This method makes a request to the api service using ingredients to find recipes.
search(String, String) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.SpoonacularServiceProxy
This method is the @Get request to the api service for a collection of recipes.
searchRecipes(String[]) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput.IngredientFragmentDirections
selectByName(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.IngredientRepository
This is the method is used to get ingredients by name.
selectByQuantity(int) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.IngredientDao
This method is a query to the Smatcheff database.
selectByQuantity(Ingredient) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.IngredientRepository
This method is used to get an ingredient by the quanity of an ingredient on hand.
selectByUpc(String) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.IngredientDao
This method is a query to the Smatcheff database.
selectByUpc(Ingredient) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.IngredientRepository
This method is used to find an ingredient by its upc.
selectName(String) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.IngredientDao
This method is a query to the Smatcheff database.
servings - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding
servingsLabel - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding
setAmount(float) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.ExtendedIngredientDto
Sets the amount.
setAnalyzedInstructions(List<AnalyzedInstructionDto>) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Sets the list of AnalyzedInstructionDtos.
setContext(Application) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.GoogleSignInService
This is the t setter for the google sign in context.
setContext(Application) - Static method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.SmartCheffDatabase
This is the setter for context.
setDetails(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.ExtendedIngredientDto
Sets the details.
setExtendedIngredients(List<ExtendedIngredientDto>) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Sets the Extended Ingredient Dto
setExternalId(long) - Method in class
setExternalId(long) - Method in class
setExternalKey(long) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Set the external key
setId(long) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.ExtendedIngredientDto
Sets the id.
setId(long) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Sets tthe id.
setId(long) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Ingredient
Sets the ingredient id.
setId(Long) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Sets the recipe id.
setId(long) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.RecipeIngredient
Sets the id of the RecipeIngredient table.
setId(long) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.User
Sets the id for a user.
setImage(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Sets the recipe image.
setImage(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Sets the image.
setIngredientId(long) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.RecipeIngredient
Sets the id for an ingredient.
setIngredients(List<ExtendedIngredientDto>) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.StepDto
Sets the list of ExtendedIngredients.
setIngredientsList(String[]) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput.IngredientFragmentDirections.SearchRecipes
setIngredientsList(String[]) - Method in class
setInstructions(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Sets the instructions.
setInstructions(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Sets the instructions.
setName(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.AnalyzedInstructionDto
Sets the name of the recipe that the instructions corresponds to.
setName(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.ExtendedIngredientDto
Sets the name.
setName(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Ingredient
Sets the name.
setName(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Sets the name.
setOauthKey(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.User
Sets the users' oauth key.
setOrder(int) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.StepDto
Sets the order.
setPrepTime(int) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Sets the prep time.
setPrepTime(int) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Sets the prep time.
setQuantityAvailable(int) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Ingredient
Sets the quantity available.
setRecipeId(long) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.RecipeIngredient
Sets the recipe id.
setServingQuantity(int) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Sets the serving quanity.
setServings(int) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Sets the servings.
setSkillLevel(int) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Sets the skill level.
setSourceUrl(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Sets the the source url.
setSteps(List<StepDto>) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.AnalyzedInstructionDto
Sets the list of steps.
setSummary(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Sets the summary.
setText(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.StepDto
Sets the text.
SettingsFragment - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller
This fragment is unimplemented.
SettingsFragment() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.SettingsFragment
setTitle(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.RecipeDto
Sets the title.
setUnit(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.ExtendedIngredientDto
Sets the unit.
setUpc(String) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Ingredient
Sets hte upc.
setUserid(long) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Ingredient
Sets the user id.
setUserid(Long) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.Recipe
Sets the user id.
showDetails(long) - Static method in class
signIn - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ActivityLoginBinding
signOut() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.GoogleSignInService
This method signs the user out.
SmartCheffApplication - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff
This class isa the application class for the SmartCheff application.
SmartCheffApplication() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.SmartCheffApplication
SmartCheffDatabase - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service
This class is what creates the Smartcheff database.
SmartCheffDatabase() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.SmartCheffDatabase
sourceUrl - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding
SpoonacularServiceProxy - Interface in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service
This class is the proxy service to Spoonacular api service.
SpoonacularServiceProxy.InstanceHolder - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service
This nested class contains the Gson and retofit builders.
startSignIn(Activity, int) - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.GoogleSignInService
This method is starts the sign in with a google account.
StepDto - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto
This class is a DTO object for storing data from the Spoonacular api.
StepDto() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dto.StepDto
steps - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.ItemStepsBinding
summary - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding


textInputLayout - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentIngredientBinding
textNotifications - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentSavedBinding
title - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentCurrentRecipeBinding
toBundle() - Method in class
toBundle() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.controller.ui.ingredientinput.IngredientFragmentDirections.SearchRecipes
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class


update(Ingredient) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.IngredientDao
This method is used to update an ingredient in the SmartCeff database.
update(Ingredient...) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.IngredientDao
This method is used to update more then one ingredients in the SmartCeff database.
update(Collection<Ingredient>) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.IngredientDao
This method is used to update a collection of ingredients in the SmartCeff database.
update(Recipe) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeDao
This method is used to update a recipe in the SmartCeff database.
update(Recipe...) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeDao
This method is used to update more then one recipes in the SmartCeff database.
update(Collection<Recipe>) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeDao
This method is used to update a collection of recipes in the SmartCeff database.
update(RecipeIngredient) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeIngredientDao
update(RecipeIngredient...) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeIngredientDao
update(Collection<RecipeIngredient>) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.RecipeIngredientDao
update(User) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.UserDao
This method is used to update an user in the SmartCeff database.
update(User...) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.UserDao
This method is used to update more then one users in the SmartCeff database.
update(Collection<User>) - Method in interface edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao.UserDao
This method is used to update a collection of users in the SmartCeff database.
User - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity
This is an @Entity class that makes a User table in the SmartCheff data base.
User() - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.entity.User
UserDao - Interface in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.model.dao
This is an interface that handles all the queries involving users.
UserRepository - Class in edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service
This class holds the logic for the queries to the SmartCheff database involving a user.
UserRepository(Context) - Constructor for class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.service.UserRepository
This is the constructor for the UserRepository.


VERSION_CODE - Static variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.BuildConfig
verticalGuideline - Variable in class edu.cnm.deepdive.smartcheff.databinding.FragmentIngredientBinding
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