Summary of current state
The current state of this application is unfinished.
The functionality of making a search for recipes with provided ingredients is complete there is still some unimplemented elements.
Bellow is the current implemented and unimplemented elements for a “finished prototype”.
Implemented function
- Use of the api service Spoonacular to make a search using inputed ingredients.
- Display of recipe summary, image, instructions, prep time and serving size.
Unimplemented functions
- The display of the Extended ingredients.
- Using the devices’ camera to scan barcode of a product.
- Using the Api service Barcode moster to receive information about a product for use in a search for recipes.
- The functionality to save the recipes to the device.
- The settings fragment, and the ability to change how many recipes that are provided.
Unimplemented cosmetic enhancements.
- The display if instructions using a listview.
- Finished color scheme.
- Original background images for all fragment screens.
Functional stretch gaols
- Ability to show similar recipes to the last used recipe.
- Ability to preheat smart devices like an oven according to the temp stated in the recipe description.